Vibration Interior Design

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6 intentions to set for a more mindful home in 2021

Here we are, 2020 is behind us and we have welcomed 2021! Now, I don’t know about you but I’ve never been one to make New Year resolutions...I prefer to make changes and / or start a new routine when I feel the timing is right for me, not because it’s January. Plus, at this time of year nature is still dormant, the days short, the temperatures low, the energy around us is still very Yin, about cocooning and TLC, and not so much about taking actions.

So instead of resolutions, the word intention resonates much more with me, it feels more gentle, more forgiving and implies aiming for something instead of a firm and sometimes radical change, leaving room for imperfection.

So with that said, what intentions can you set for a more mindful home this year, which will in turn have positive effects on you and your family?

Keep your home clutter free

At risk of sounding like a broken record, yes declutter, declutter and declutter! It is the first and one of the most effective Feng Shui cures you can apply. Keep your home tidy and neat on a daily basis, no need to become a control freak here, just put things where they belong once you’ve used them to avoid an overwhelming accumulation. And from time to time, go for a more in depth decluttering session, I like to do it at the change of seasons. If it seems a tad daunting, head over to this post where I detailed the how, what and how of decluttering.

Keeping your home tidy will make it inviting and will have a positive effect on your mental clarity and overall health, making room for what really matters to you.

Nurture a healthy work / life balance

Last year has changed our way of working and whilst working from home has undeniable benefits, it can also make it harder to separate working from personal times.

The ideal scenario is of course to have a home office so you can close the door when you have finished your day.

Realistically, it’s far from always being possible and if you have to make the dining table do, make a point to put away all your work equipment and / or stationary at the end of the day and make sure that the dining table is still used for eating meals with your family or even by yourself, in a mindful way.

If you have enough space to fit a dedicated desk in one of your rooms, try to visually separate it from the rest of the space with some furniture, an open bookcase or large plants. They will act as dividers and help to differentiate the different functions.

Look after your plants

We know that indoor plants are a great addition to our interiors, these living energies are not only beautiful and making a room inviting, they also help to detoxify the air and play a positive part in our mental health and productivity (check out this full post if you want to know more about it and which plants to get).

Looking after them is in itself a mindful practice and can be incredibly therapeutic if you take the time to slow down, observe and get to know them, when they need watering and repotting.

If you have room and a good exposition, growing your own aromatic herbs will have a similar effect, with the added benefit to have them on demand when your dishes call for them.

Have you also ever considered starting a garden patch if you have a garden? Eating your own produce is so rewarding, saves money on groceries, reduces plastic waste and carbon footprint!

Keep your indoor temperature in check

When spending so much time at home it’s important for the environment to support our activities, and being comfortable in a room that is at the perfect temperature helps us both to focus and relax.

For that reason, aim to maintain the temperature around 21°C in the living areas and 18°C in the bedrooms, for a better sleep, and look for old or damaged fixtures that could lead to heat loss, the biggest sources being the roof, doors and windows. Investing money in upgrading or changing your roof insulation and single glazed windows will save you money in the long run, and for door gaps opt for a door brush and / or a draught excluder, they really help.

A smart technology can also be worth considering and installing, it shows you where your energy goes and allows you to control your heating and hot water remotely, keeping your home at your ideal temperature. And for the summer months, if you choose a fan or an air-conditioning unit, make sure it has the Quiet Mark award to ensure it’s not too noisy.

Pay special attention to the lighting

As much as possible, favor natural lighting here. Think about the tasks you usually do in your home and position your working areas in a way they get optimal lighting from the outside, you want to avoid having to turn a light on during the day to be able to do your tasks.

Invest in some additional lights if you need to, and go for LED bulbs (if you need help with choosing one, head over to this post).

We have been increasingly aware of our circadian rhythms and the importance of having time away from screens in the evenings and to help us, smart technologies can also be a wonderful tool as with them, you can set certain lights for certain tasks or areas and dim them in the evenings.

Opt for natural and sustainable materials as much as possible

Using natural materials adds interesting textures but also connects us with nature, bringing intrinsic and beneficial properties for our health as well as a sense of calm and wellbeing.

To go even further, you can aim to reduce the use of chemical based detergents and cleaning solutions, natural alternatives are as effective and kinder to us and the environment. Watch out also for candles made from paraffin, they release chemicals when burning, soy wax is a lot healthier.

So not only opting for natural materials will have a positive impact on the environment and carbon footprint, it will also help to reduce the nasty indoor chemicals, be empowering and satisfying for you if you upcycle furniture and most likely be gentler on your bank account!
