Holistic Interior Design Blog

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Maximising Rental Income: 5 Compelling Reasons Why Landlords Need an Interior Designer
Interior Design Julie - Vibration Interiors Interior Design Julie - Vibration Interiors

Maximising Rental Income: 5 Compelling Reasons Why Landlords Need an Interior Designer

Are you a landlord looking to increase your rental income? If so, you may want to consider hiring an interior designer for your rental property. While some landlords may view this as an unnecessary expense, there are actually several compelling reasons why working with an interior designer can be a wise investment.

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Flooring Series: understanding carpet characteristics
Interior Design Julie - Vibration Interiors Interior Design Julie - Vibration Interiors

Flooring Series: understanding carpet characteristics

The characteristics of a carpet affect its level of comfort, how it feels underfoot and how well it will wear off, all of which help to determine a carpet suitability for specific rooms or uses.

Get a better understanding of the technical terms to make an informed decision and avoid disappointments further down the line!

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Flooring Series: Tiling
Interior Design Julie - Vibration Interiors Interior Design Julie - Vibration Interiors

Flooring Series: Tiling

This new series will go through various materials you might be wondering about and look at their technicalities to make sure they are suitable for your project.

In this blog post, we’ll have a look at your options when it comes to tiles and what you should know and consider when choosing them.

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Decorex 2020
Interior Design Julie - Vibration Interiors Interior Design Julie - Vibration Interiors

Decorex 2020

Last week, the design community was brought together with Decorex over three days.

Having attended talks specifically related to the residential sector, I thought it would be good to share with you the hot topics and biggest trends we are currently seeing and that, I believe, are here to stay.

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Let’s Talk....Mood Boards
Interior Design Julie - Vibration Interiors Interior Design Julie - Vibration Interiors

Let’s Talk....Mood Boards

Mood boards can take on different forms depending on the stage of the project but also on the design studio and designer’s preferred method(s). Let’s have a look at the different kinds of mood boards to avoid misunderstanding and disappointments.

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